On Saturday 20th October, the IAFA Board held a Quarterly Meeting which formally approved the text of a new Constitution to its membership. Over the past 2 years, the IAFA has been working on the introduction of a new national structure for the sport which takes into account the new corporate governance guidelines recommended by the Irish Sports Council to the NGB sector in Ireland. If passed, the new Constitution and structures will put the IAFA at the forefront of NGB’s in Ireland in terms of corporate governance.
The proposed Constitution will introduce the following changes:
– The league, officials, coaches and flag brought together in one ‘whole sport’ structure.
– A new central administration for the sport to be led by a Commissioner.
– Separation of Board and Administration
– Directors of Officiating and Development to be appointed by the elected Board. (Director of Coaching already in place).
– Clubs directly electing IAFA Board members.
– A 9 person IAFA Board which will include an external Board member and rotating 3 year terms for Board members.
If approved by the IAFA’s member organisations, the Constitution will be formally ratified in Q1 2013. Some transition arrangements will apply for the 2013 season, with the full structure expected to be in place by Q4 2013.
In addition to recommending the new Constitution and structure, the IAFA Board also held a ‘workshop’ style session to prepare its 2013 ISC Grant Application and discussed the arrangements for The Gathering 2013.